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The Disappearance of Rose Marie Bly

Written by: Kenzie Desrosiers


On August 21, 2009, Rose Marie Bly, 21, left her home around 7:30PM to meet her cousins at a Cushing tavern for drinks after having dinner with her husband and his father. The following day, her husband, Christopher Larson, 27, reported her missing after her failed to meet with her cousin or return home.

Four days later, her white 2001 Pontiac Grand Am was discovered by a truck driver in a parking lot 30-miles from her home. Investigators found no signs of foul play. Investigators conducted ground and aerial searches, drained a lake near where her vehicle was discovered, and searched through her phone records, but yielded no results.

While the investigation grew stale, many theories arose.

Just two months prior to her disappearance, Larson filed for divorce following a domestic altercation. Larson accused Rose of slapping him and she accused him of putting her in a headlock and slamming her to the ground. However, the petition was withdrawn following a reconciliation.

At the time of her disappearance, Bly had an active bench warrant from a misdemeanor disorderly conduct charge stemming from the incident because of this, some believe Bly left on her own volition. However, Bly’s mother, Candus “Candy” Harer, knows that her daughter would never leave her daughters who were toddlers.

Three weeks after her disappearance, Larson filed for divorce a second time. He told his lawyer that he was concerned that Bly would return and take their children. Larson was granted temporary sole custody of their two daughters.

Due to the domestic abuse, some believe that Larson harmed Bly and is responsible for her disappearance. According to Nicole Steele, Bly was the one who filed for divorce the first time but withdrew it after Christopher said he’d never let her take the girls. Phone records showed that Bly’s last phone activity was a call to her husband.

When Bly left her home, she was wearing blue jeans, a white tank top, a green sweater, and flips flops. She little money, no credit cards, and few friends. No evidence to suggest she had plans to run. Furthermore, Larson passed a polygraph test and according to Polk County Sheriff Tim Moore, he is not considered a suspect.

Harer gave investigators another theory. A week prior, Bly suffered a head injury after falling off a horse. Bly complained of headaches in the days prior to her disappearance for which Harer suggested she consult with a doctor. Evidence indicated that Bly never with a doctor.

In February 2010, the Help Find Rose Marie Bly Facebook page was created. According to one user, Bly was seen at a local McDonalds with an unknown male. Another user claimed that Bly’s sister, Candus threatened her ex saying, “she would kill him like she did her sister.” In the summer of 2021, Andrew Vitalis of the Pol County Sheriff’s Office suspended the account due to speculation and wild theories.

The case gained renewed interest after Bly’s niece disappeared on August 12, 2021. Stay tuned for the disappearance of Summer Wells.



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