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Where is Orrin and Orson West?

Written by: Kenzie Desrosiers


In 2018, Cincere and Classic Pettus were placed with a family, Trezell and Jacqueline West after CPS took the boys away from their mother due a serious injury. The following year, the boys were adopted and their names were changed to Orrin and Orson.

On December 21, 2020, Orrin, 4, and Orson, 3, went missing from the backyard of their California City home.

According to their adoptive father, Trezell West, he had taken the boys outside to play with chalk while he gathered wood for the fireplace.

When he went to the backyard after bringing in the wood the boys were gone. “I realized I left the gate open and I panicked,” said West.

At 5:32PM, West I seen on a neighbor’s security camera getting into the family’s white van. Just before 6PM, West called 911. After searches of nearby areas turned up nothing, California City Police got a warrant for the Wests’ home.

John Walker, Chief of Police, “What I do truly believe: That night there’s no way that they could have got out of that neighborhood without some sort of assistance from an adult.”

After removing items from the home and digging up the backyard, police still turned up nothing. Eighteen hours after the boys disappearance, the Wests’ four remaining children were taken into the foster care system.

According to Wanda West, the boys adoptive grandmother, the family made the decision to voluntarily place the children in FBI protection.

According to neighbor Robyn Plantz, who lived directly behind the West family, “There’s never been any kids there…I don’t believe the kids were ever here.”

Its been 9 months since the boys were reported missing and no leads have turned up. Where are they?



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